LBBC Technologies hold a number of accreditations to support our people, quality and safety standards.
LBBC Technologies are accredited by Investors in People recognising commitment to developing people and excellence in people management. To read more about our commitment to developing our people please visit Our People.
LBBC Technologies believes in supplying quality products and services to achieve high customer satisfaction. For more details on our ISO9001 accreditation please visit Quality Policy.
The company holds the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation to support our systems preventing cyber-attack, keeping our data and IT systems secure.
LBBC Technologies is committed to high standards of health and safety both in it’s own facilities in Leeds, UK and when working on site. For more details of the Safecontractor accreditation please visit Health and Safety.
As a supplier to some of the leading names in the investment casting, aerospace, nuclear, defence and chemical industries LBBC are recognised for quality precision engineering throughout the world providing all customers with the assurance of quality, safety, efficiency and service.